Santiago, Roma, Jerusalén
Collection des cathédrales et des sanctuaires du moyen age
Medieval Spains, The
This book traces the political evolution of the Iberian peninsula from a collection of late Roman imperial provinces to the Spanish and Portuguese monarchies of the fifteenth century. That evolution is explained initially as a product of the interaction of the geography of Iberia and the successive invations of it by the Visigoths in the […]
Martyrs of Córdoba, The
Between 850 and 859 the Muslim government of Córdoba executed forty-eight Christians on two different charges. Most were accused of making denigrating remarks about the prophet Mauhammad, which under Islamic law was a capital offence for non’Muslims. Some were Christians with one or more Muslims parent and were therfore considered under Islamic law to be […]
History and the Historians of Medieval Spain
Spanish Kingdoms, The 1250-1516 (Volume II)
Spanish Kingdoms, The 1250-1516 (Volume I)
Spain in the Middle Ages
Dr MacKay brings clarity to the medieval history of Spain by concentrating on two themes which provide the key to much of Spanish historical devlopment:”the frontier” from the eleventh to the thirteenth centuries; and “the preparation for Empire”during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries.
Romanesque sculpture of the pilgrimage roads
Romanesque sculpture of the pilgrimage roads
First printed 1929